Health and Wellness Support Groups

Continue to get inspired and connect to our health and wellness ministries here at First Baptist Church of Glenarden!

B.O.D.Y. By Christ

If you struggle with weight control, you’ll find that our biblically focused solution is a practical way to change your habits permanently. Allow Jesus to be your personal trainer at B.O.D.Y. (Believers Overcoming Destructive Yokes) by Christ. All meetings are at the Empowerment Center.

Meeting Day/Time: Every Wednesday, 7 p.m.
Email Address:

Healing, Transitions and Bereavement (HTB)

Provides training and support in the ministry of healing, grief support and outreach to the church and community. The ministry supports an understanding of God’s will for His people to be whole physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Meeting Day/Time: 3rd Saturday, 9 a.m.
Email Address:


Educational workshops, health expos and free health screenings bridge the gap between physical and spiritual health.

Meeting Day/Time: 2nd Wednesday, 7 p.m.
Email Address:

Life Builders

The Life Builders Ministry provides spiritual, emotional and personal encouragement to individuals through biblical principles that can be applied in everyday life situations. The ministry hosts a monthly event called “Life Builders Live.”

Meeting Day/Time: 3rd Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
Email Address:

Mental Health Support

The Mental Health Support Ministry offers encouragement, spiritual support, education, and training to individuals with mental health challenges and to those who have loved ones with mental health challenges.

Meeting Day/Time: Every Thursday, 7 p.m.
Email Address:

Turning Point

This ministry offers a safe, healthy environment to help individuals overcome life-controlling problems, such as substance abuse, anger, addictions, etc., in a small group setting. Turning Point also has separate classes for adults and youths ages 13-17.

Meeting Day/Time: Thursday, 7 p.m.
Email Address: